Carbon Focus is a think tank which aims to inform and advise NGOs, government, local authorities, the press and
media of the importance of effective change and scientific accuracy in carbon
NGOs, local authorities, central government, the media and others advising consumers to reduce carbon dioxide emissions are wasting precious time and resources by not distinguishing between big and small savings.
The promotion of tips with unquantified and uncontextualised benefits is leading to a ‘carbon complacency’ where consumers feel they are doing good by doing actions that are actually trivial. Many people recognise that small improvements don’t make much difference by and use that as a reason to justify doing nothing at all.
Consumers need to know where their biggest emissions come from. Edwin Datschefski and Katharine Harborne have identified that very few actions by householders actually make a real difference. These are the ones that should be focused on and high rates of uptake of these actions should be the aim.
Please read our new Report and our One Tonne Tips to see how to focus on what really makes a difference