Site updates, additions
and modifications are summarised here |
The symbols
for new
items on this site and
for recommended publications
and important items have been updated and the following items added or expanded on 26
November 1999:
- Home Page: The
European Environment Agency web site has been added as a major site.
- Executive Summary: updated
- Site map: updated
- Taking Initiatives:
- Practical examples:
under individual learning mention is made of new in-house programmes developed by BP Amoco
and Electrolux with links to a summary of what they are doing and to their web sites
- Community
development: new item added under the 'LA21' heading giving the results of an
interesting survey and highlights from two other articles on progress with LA21
- Individual action: now
changed to a new page Living Lightly
Living Lightly: Global Action
Plan's four programmes are explained better and more specific
links are given to answer queries, including a new web site about sustainable living -
from Solstice.
- Making change happen:
- Models for change: The
Foundation for Business and Sustainable Development (which has a 50-question exam on SD),
LA21 and a more flexible way of working have been added.
- Leadership: New
Leadership is based in Cambridge, England and has values, vision and mission closely
aligned to those that are described on this web site. The leadership acronym
"attributes" now has several hot links.
- Ethical investments: The
Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index web site has been added as well as reference to the
new EIRIS Guide to Financial Planning for ethical investors and the fact that Prudential
now screen their investments for environmental and ethical factors because these companies
perform better
- Inspiring quotations:
- Finding Information:
- Threats and
opportunities: four important threats have been added - all relating to the
power of big business and one opportunity with another re-worded
Useful concepts: three
useful concepts relating to sustainable development are described briefly
- Routes to Sustainability: Business
in the Community, Business in the Environment, Global Action Plan and Oikos have been
- Companies and SD: Electrolux,
Procter& Gamble and Tarmac entries have been updated. Conversion Centre Ltd has been
added as an SME providing commercial services including an e-commerce newsletter
- Statements: Procter
& Gamble have issued a Sustainability Report 1999 and, as part of their recent
reorganisation, appointed a Director, Corporate Sustainable Development. Tarmac
have published their sustainability statement online and a summary is given with the
relevant web link. Electrolux have developed their own approach to training for
sustainability, with an impressive web link.
- Projects illustrating SD: A
new hospital is under construction at Swindon using the principles of The Natural Step.
The November/December issue of Resurgence is devoted to transport. Tarmac is
involved in three sustainability projects with The Natural Step.
- Guidelines on SD:
A new education initiative is aimed at developing a framework for higher education.
- Books and publications: Michael
Allaby's, Thinking Green, IUCN et al's Caring for the Earth, James
Robertson's, The New Economics of Sustainable Development, Jim Hopwood's Engaging
Employees: Environmental Training and Internal Communications, Halina Ward's RIIA
report Trade, Investment and the Environment and a booklet from ACBE on Carbon
Trusts have been added. Interactive the Shell Better Britain Campaign
Network Newsletter has been added to the magazines and journals section, and the UK
Roundtable on SD Response to Consultation on the SD Commission added to the Publications
& Official Reports section.
- Organisations:
The Foundation for Business and Sustainable Development, The Improvement and Development
Agency (IDeA), Natural Capital Institute, Shell Better Britain Campaign, Sustainable, Wuppertal Institute and the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA)
have been added and case studies are now available from The Environment Council.
- A to Z of SD: Ecotopia
and Zero growth are new key words with web links and renewable energy (Solstice) has been
The following page URLs have been modified:
The following items were added or updated on 28 October
- Executive Summary: Updated
to include new page on 'Statements on SD' and a very supportive comment from Ernie Lowe,
Indigo Development, USA, praising the value of the site
- Taking Initiatives:
- Making change happen:
- Models for change: under
the subheading 'toolkits', e3, a
computer program on CD-ROM, has been added. It enables users to assess the environmental
effects of their business
- Ethical investments:
Big shake up, towards ethical investments, for UK pensions schemes, new Q
& A added.
- Inspiring quotations: New
quotations have been added from Charles Darwin and David Suzuki.
- Finding Information:
Routes to Sustainability: the page has been
extensively revised and updated
- Companies and SD: now
has a clearer title with a link from Routes to Sustainability. New additions include more
information on BP Amoco, a new entry for the Home Depot, the giant USA DIY store and their
decision to buy FSC approved timber, and St Regis Paper Co Ltd, manufacturing paper
entirely from waste

Statements on sustainable development from company web
sites and a description of how BP Amoco is bringing about change. Previously this paper
was only available on request.
- Projects illustrating SD: now
has clearer title with link from Routes to Sustainability page. The St Regis paper mill at
Sittingbourne, Kent, making paper from waste, and an item on transport have been added
- Guidelines on SD:
now has clearer title with link from Routes to Sustainability page. Organic gardens and
woodland trust guidelines added.
- Books and publications: David
Suzuki's new book The Sacred Balance, and David Korten's The
Post-Corporate World: Life after Capitalism have been added. In the
magazines section Conscious Choice the journal of Ecology and Natural Living (USA), Enviroscope
the newsletter of the Stationery Office, and the Environment Agency (UK) site with
particular reference to their online Pollution Inventory have been added.
- Organisations: New
Academy of Business MSc course on Responsibility & Business Practice and the Henry
Doubleday Research Association have been added
- A to Z of SD: Animal
information, birdlife International and human rights index have been added.
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Last updated 25 November 1999