These organisations help others work towards sustainable development |
Organisations that are contributing to applying sustainable development are given below, many have web sites that interesting and useful:
Advisory Committee on Business and the Environment (ACBE) (UK) proposes an approach to good practice for businesses to follow and works closely with business leaders, the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department for the Environment, Transport and the Regions: Tel: 0171 890 6624
Amazing Environmental Organization WebDirectory!
USA based. Web site:
Association for Environment-Conscious Building (AECB) facilitates environmentally responsible practices within building by promoting the use of safe, healthy and sustainable materials, encourages respect for the environment and supports their numerous members throughout the UK. More information by email or see their web site.
Association for Management Education and Development (AMED) is the professional network for people in individual and organisational development. AMED has various local and special interest groups including the Sustainable Development Network, more information available by email or their web site
Building Research Establishment (BRE) is at the forefront of the every aspect of the construction industry and provides much useful information about environmentally responsible building materials and practices. See their web site at
Business in the Community (BiC) (web site) was established by Prince Charles and in 1989, Business in the Environment (BiE) was added to help companies, particularly medium-sized firms, meet the environmental challenge, with emphasis on networking "for planet, people and profit". BiE can be contacted by email or visit their web site.
Centre for Alternative Technology established in 1973, provides practical guidelines from first hand experience relating to energy, gardening, lifestyles and buildings. They can be contacted by email and have their own web site.
The Centre for Sustainable Design facilitates discussion and research about eco-design and environmental, economic, ethical and social (e3s) considerations in product and service development and design. They also run conferences that are described on their web site. Email and their web site.
Centre for Tomorrow's Company, email: and web site. The Centre's mission is to inspire and enable British business to compete with the world's best through applying an inclusive approach. It was founded to build on the work of the RSA Enquiry Tomorrow's Company which aroused world wide interest.
Centre for Sustainable Consumption, email: Tim Cooper for more information.
Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES) have published the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) which provides guidelines for Corporate Environmental Reports. The GRI Guidelines can be downloaded from the CERES web site.
Conservation Foundation, email: and web site.
Council for
Environmental Education, email:
and web site: CEE is the UK's national
body for the co-ordination and promotion of environmental education, acting as a forum for
the exchange of ideas and information and encouraging its development through various
Earth Centre, at Conisbrough near Doncaster, Yorkshire, UK is an outstanding indoor and outdoor theme park with a difference. It is still being developed at a cost of £100 million on a large site and aims to demonstrate, in practical and imaginative ways, every aspect of sustainable living. It is a Millennium Project supported by the National Lottery, gains support from other organisations and offers various levels of individual and family support. Information can be obtained from or see their web site.
Earthscan Publications Limited, email: or see their web site, where each book has its own page.
The, Mission: is a non-profit
501(c)3 organization that develops, compiles,
categorizes, and delivers environmental education and information resources to the world
at large using leading electronic technologies. See their web site.
Ecology Building Society, specialises in projects which make existing buildings more environmentally sound and in the construction of new buildings to high environmental standards. They offer investment opportunities as well as lending money.Contact by email or see their web site.
Ecos Corporation, Australia, email: Ecos was founded in 1995 by former Greenpeace International Executive Director Paul Gilding to help companies make the important shift to sustainable business. Ecos employs a number of experts in the areas of sustainability, financial markets and indicators, the business implications of climate change and sustainable communications. Our client list includes DuPont, Placer Dome Asia Pacific, Suncor/SPP, British Petroleum Australia, Pacific Power and the Queensland Timber Board of Australia. Our Web site, details examples of our work and the areas in which we specialise. In addition, Ecos in conjunction with Australia's Business Review Weekly, produces a Web site dedicated to the issue of climate change and carbon emissions trading.
Eco-village Network, email: or see their web site.
Environment Agency, the environmental protection agency in England has a web site at which includes a Pollution Inventory, accessed from 'your environment' and 'what's in your backyard'.
Environment and Society Research Unit (ESRU), Department of Geography, University College London has established a reputation of excellent work on several important topics and published the results. Recent reports include "Claims-making in environment conflict", "Environmental communication and the cultural politics of environmental citizenship" and "Lifestyles and the Environment". Current research topics include "Encouraging Environmental Action at Home: an Evaluation of Global Action Plan's Action at Home as a Strategy for Achieving more Sustainable Lifestyles." See the ESRU web site or contact them by email.
Environment Council
has active programmes on Information, Business and the Environment, Conservers at Work and
Environmental Resolve which provides consensus building services and training in these
skills. They have also established the Sustainable Business Forum. As
part of this work they make a distinction between sustainable development which can be
delivered only by communities and corporate environmental sustainability which can be the
goal for companies. More information from their publications, by email from: and their
web site
They have case studies available on request.
Environmental Data Services Ltd (ENDS), established 1978, publishes environmental information for business and their ENDS Report is available on subscription. See their web site for more information at and the free Daily News service at
Environment Investigation Agency (EIA) was founded in London in 1984 (email:, and has an office in the USA ( They carry out detailed, professional enquiries such as their renowned Ivory Trade investigation. They are also working on campaigns for Tigers, Whales and Dolphins, Bears, Rhinos, Birds, Forests, the Orangutan and to expose the illegal trade in CFCs. They publish a newsletter and have a web site.
Ethical Investment Research Service (EIRIS), established in 1983, is based in the UK and provides services to help people invest according to their ethical principles. Email: or see their web site.
Forest Stewardship Council brings together many interested parties and sets standards for forest stewardship; they have their own "FSC" logo for approved timber products. Contact by email: or see their web site.
Forum for the Future
was established in 1996 with several programmes promulgating understanding and application
of sustainable solutions. Contact their Cheltenham office (Tel: 01242 262737) for general
enquiries, Green Futures Consultancy, Local Authorities Partnership Programme, and The
Natural Step (UK). Contact their London office (0171 251 6070) for the Forum Scholarship
Programme, HE 21 Project, The Forum Directory of Best Practice for Sustainability, and the
Sustainable Economy Unit. Green Futures, their magazine, can be contacted by email: Their web site went
online in August 1999 and can be found at,
it describes all the elements of Forum's work. Forum for the Future has
joined forces with the Cambridge Programme for Industry to develop Sustainability Learning
Networks in several of the UK's leading
companies. The first Sustainability Learning Networks began in October 1998, with a
consortium of pilot companies including British Airways, BP, Guardian Insurance,
ICI, Johnson Matthey, KPMG, Laing, Severn Trent, Tarmac, Unilever.
for Business and Sustainable Development: The Virtual University has been
established by the WBCSD
and provides some exciting, practical educational material including: The
Sustainable Business Challenge, The Global Scenario Challenge, CDM Dialogue, and The
Resource Centre. The Sustainable Business Challenge includes "the exam"
which is a 50 question multiple choice test that other institutions can use if they take
out a licence. The web site at
gives full details.
Friends of the Earth (FOE) do a lot of campaigning but also develop and publicise their ideas about solutions. Contact by email or see their web site.
Global Action Plan UK (GAP UK) have three programmes, all updated and simplified in March 1999: Action at Home (now implemented with WWF), Action at Work and Action at School. Action at Home is best known and over 22,000 households in the UK have taken the programme. The UK s by far the most successful country implementing these programmes but Action at Home operates in Holland and some 5 other countries. All the programmes provide Action Packs that enable participants to change the way they deal with such things as waste, energy, water, transport and shopping. Contact by email:
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) originates from the work of CERES. The GRI, in conjunction with UNEP has developed a set of guidelines for corporate environmental reports that can be downloaded from their web site:
Government Policy from the Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions(DETR) web site.
Green Alliance is a pressure group on government policy but they also organise some excellent meetings with prominent speakers. Contact by email or see their web site.
Greening of Industry Network is run by Kurt Fischer, email, from the USA. They have offices in The Netherlands, Thailand and Italy. The network runs many conferences on subjects such as: NGO-industry dialogue, Environmental reporting and disclosure, Networks of learning, Educating for sustainability, Roundtable on civil society, Finance, Regulatory dynamics, Ethical issues, Eco-design and Supply chain management.
Green Village - see Harmony Project below
Greenwood Publishing (USA) enable you to browse by subject to find a book.
Harmony Project helps communities with sustainable development and specialises on "green villages" - see their web site.
Henry Doubleday Research Association (HDRA) manages
organic gardens at Ryton, near Coventry, and Yalding near Maidstone, both in the UK. These
provide wonderful educational opportunities for all ages and interesting day out. HDRA
also manages the Heritage Seed Library, which is saving endangered and outlawed vegetable
varieties and making them available to gardeners. Contact by email and see their web site at:
Holden Meehan is one of the leading independent financial advisers in the UK. They are highly respected in the industry for their knowledge of the ethical and environmental investment market and in February 1999 published their latest guide to these investments. Contact by email or see their web site
Horizons Solutions is
an interactive web site. The
Solutions Site was created by HORIZON Communications, in collaboration with the United
Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Development Programme, the United
Nations Population Fund, UNICEF, Harvard University, Yale University, and the
International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada.
The purpose of the site is to provide a forum for the presentation of solutions to vital
concerns in the areas of health, population, development and the environment. Initiatives
are gathered through a number of different means, including direct user submissions, the
substantial efforts of partner institutions, and Horizon's own research activities.
Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA) -
UK (formerly Local Government Management Board) assists local
authorities to improve their performance, helps them to establish peer reviews for
continuous improvement, encourages training, offers assistance for poor performing
services, develops skills of council members, managers and staff commission, and evaluates
and disseminates Best Practice information. Their activities include these services in
relation to Local Agenda 21. See their web site at
See also the Employers Organisation web site at
Indigo Development (USA), founded by Ernest Lowe, specialise in Industrial Ecology and Eco-industrial Parks. Contact by email or see their web site at
Institute for Environmental Management (IEM) brings together many environmental managers working in a wide cross-section of different public and private sector organisations. Contact by email or see their web site.
Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES), is the UK-based professional body for interdisciplinary practice, education, research, information provision and debate in the environmental sciences. Contact by email at and see their web site at
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) which specialises in the Hindu Kush region of the Himalayas. See their web site.
International Hotels Environment Initiative (IHEI) are developing a benchmarking guide which enables hotels and their guests to compare performance. Contact by email or see their web site.
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), is based in Canada and hosts the Sustainability Web Ring as well as many other activities that are described on their web site.
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). Linkages is provided by IISD, publishers of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin. It is designed to be an electronic clearing-house for information on past and upcoming international meetings related to environment and development policy. See their web site.
The International Institute for the Urban Environment (IIUE) was established in 1989 under Netherlands law as an independent organisation to promote sustainable development. The Institute is rooted in the Delft University of Technology and works closely with the University's various faculties - web site. Developing the Economy from Within (Dew) is a project within the framework of the programme Third System and Employment of DG V - Employment, Industrial relations and Social Affairs - of the European Commission. In this project the cities of Bath, Genoa, Gothenburg, Lavrion, Leicester, Venice and the region of West Yorkshire aim to set out a coherent vision of a sustainable local economy, to develop partnerships to help its implementation and to disseminate the experience gained widely in the EU. The project is coordinated by The International Institute for the Urban Environment in co-operation with the International Urban Development Association.
International Urban Development Association (INTA) - see their forthcoming events and other information on their web site.
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) - The World Conservation Union, see their web site.
LETSlink UK is the umbrella organisation for some 400 Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS) in the UK and a further 600 in Europe, contact by email or see their web site.
London 21 Sustainability Network is being developed as a network for use of everyone concerned with sustainability in London, run by a board of Trustees elected by 66 company members. Contact by email: and expect their web site in July 1999.
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) integrates the views of all those with interest in fisheries and how to achieve a sustainable industry. Visit the MSC website for more information.
Millennium Eco-Communities on the Green Lane is a Canadian initiative promoting clean air, clean water, climate change and nature as priorities for Environmental Canada. The Millennium Eco-Communities (MEC) web site provides resources for local community groups and environmental organizations interested in making changes. A comprehensive resource on environmental issues, best practices, tools, tips and networking opportunities is provided in a Canadian context but there are ideas here for all.
Natural Capital Institute has been established in the USA to take forward the work that will arise from Paul Hawken's book (co-authored with Amory and Hunter Lovins) entitled Natural Capitalism: the Next Industrial Revolution. At present contact by email is through and a web site is expected shortly.
Natural History Book Service interprets 'natural history' very broadly, so, if a book is hard to find try their web site.
The Natural Step UK has its own page and is run by Forum for the Future in the UK. It started in Sweden but has spread to the USA, Australia and elsewhere. Email: or
New Academy of Business offer an MSc in Responsibility
& Business Practive, an innovative management degree addressing social,
environmental and ethical issues at the University of Bath School of Management. Contact
by email: and see their
web site:
New Economics Foundation (NEF), is a pressure group focusing on the use of fiscal measures to advance the cause of sustainable development and developing alternative ways to measure economic progress such as the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW). Contact by email or see their web site
NPI Investment Managers Limited, 48 Gracechurch Street, London EC3P 3HH, Telephone: 0171 623 4200, web site:, and especially their Global Care Fund:
Population Concerns mission is to work for the improvement of the quality of life world-wide by advancing the right of all people to exercise free and informed reproductive health choice and to have access to confidential sexual and reproductive health services including family planning. Particularly promoted, is the right of women and young people to have effective access to those services and the right of women of all ages to an education in order to enhance their economic and social standing. See their web site at
PRé Consultants, based in The Netherlands, have specialised since 1990 in Ecodesign and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). On their web site they give information on the background of Ecodesign and LCA, designer tools and the well known Eco-indicator method.
Projects in Partnership (PIP) PIP is a charity which works to put participation and partnership at the heart of sustainable development. The core activities are project development and facilitation. PIP also develops training and publications in response to project needs. Tel: 0171-407 8585, email: World Coalition was formed in the UK in 1996 to publish The Politics of the Real World. The Coalition brought together a wide range of charities whose interests included overseas aid, constitutional reform, sustainable development, the natural environment, new economics, population, and transport. They can be contacted through the members who are listed in their book, which is available from Earthscan.
Regional Institute of Environmental Technology, Singapore (RIET) is an environment market intelligence agency that publishes online fast and easy access to leading edge Environmental Information & News in Asia. The RIET News Service is partially supported by the European Commission. See their web site.
Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) is the highly respected research institute established by Amory and Hunter Lovins in the USA in 1982. Email: and see their web site.
Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), Chatham House, London - see their web site at They manage The Energy and Environmental Programme (EEP) and information about its work can be found on the RIIA site.
SBC & Associates (UK) is a professional consultancy dedicated to the promotion of sustainable development in the aquatic environment, topics include freshwater ecology, sustainable methods of aquaculture and innovative waste treatment. Email. and web site: Nature: education for sustainability works with and publicises organisations and programs that have similar educational objectives, missions, resources and visions in order to most effectively accelerate the movement of society toward sustainability. Sites may be submitted for possible inclusion into their database. Visit their web site to learn about ways in which they partner with other organisations.
Shell Better Britain
Campaign, 135 a New Street, Birmingham B2 4QJ, email: and web site The SBBC aims to enable effective action
for community based sustainable development. It seeks to achieve this by providing
community project grants, useful information, funding for partnership innovation; and
building a network of community groups sharing good practice and experience. The publish Interactive
the SBBC Network Newsletter.
Schumacher Society, based in Totnes, Devon, England, the Society organises the Schumacher Lectures in Bristol and Liverpool and publishes the Schumacher Newsletter on behalf of the Schumacher Circle which includes the New Economics Foundation, the Schumacher College, Soil Association, Intermediate Technology, Green Books and Resurgence. Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1803 865051
Soil Association is based in Bristol, UK and campaigns for organic farming, food, sustainable forestry, as well as health and beauty products. The organisation has grown rapidly in recent years to cope with the rapid increase in demand for organically grown produce and the growing interest in organic farming. For example it is estimated that 30% of agricultural land in Europe will be farmed organically by 2030, compared with 1999 figures of 1% in UK, 10% in Austria and Scandinavia. The Observer Life Magazine 27 June 1999 has a 50 page supplement with detailed information. Contact by email: info@soilassociation.orgl. See details of the Soil Association publication Where to Buy Organic Food.
An article in Resurgence (No 195, p36) states that the drive for more organic farming is attracting women. "Almost half of organic farmers are women, compared with only five per cent of those farming 'chemically'". This looks like a good example of aligned values - so important for implementation. Six reasons to buy organic food are:
Southampton Environment Centre, email: and see their web site.
Stationery Office - Envirosearch web site provides many useful links.
Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), is a scientific, technical and educational organisation contributing to international efforts to combat the escalating world water crisis by facilitating research, raising awareness and stimulating action on world water issues. Contact them by email: or see their web site.
SustainAbility is a strategic management consultancy based in London and run by John Elkington, the founder. They have established a worldwide reputation and won many awards. The focus of their work is increasingly culture change and they say "we must help transform corporate, economic and political cultures." Contact by email or see their web site.
Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Environment Alliance (SAFE Alliance). More information by email or see their web site.
Sustainable provides information
on how businesses are tackling the approach to sustainability, including, features,
resources, jobs and news briefs. See their web site at
Sustainable Business Network is a US-based site offering a library, business opportunities, a job centre and a bookstore - see their web site.
Tomorrow's Company - see Centre for Tomorrow's Company above.
Traidcraft plc is a business, based in Gateshead, England, which imports crafts, jewellery, paper, clothing, food, teas and coffee from the 'third world'. They pay people a fair price for the things they make and grow to help them work their way out of poverty. Traidcraft is based on Christian ideas of love and justice in trade. Contact by email: or see their web site.
Transport 2000 is the national environmental transport campaign, founded in UK in 1973. They have no web site at present and can't cope with the emails they are receiving. Contact by email
Trendmon is a facility run by Jan Wyllie to monitor trends and publish the results. The Trendmon web site contains disturbing information about the magnitude of the "Millennium Bug" and the impact it will have globally on electrical equipment that is not Y2K compliant. Trendmon is also tuned in to grass roots momentum for change now arising in the USA.
Triodos Bank is one of Europe's leading ethical banks with branches in The Netherlands, UK and Belgium. They have an impressive performance record as well as adhering to rigorous standards of ethical and environmental criteria. See their web site.
Turning Point 2000 is run by James Robertson and Alison Pritchard and publishes a six-monthly newsletter. Contact by email or see their web site.
UK21 is the Network for Community Sustainable Practitioners being established by Lindsey Colbourne and others. More information is available from Lindsey by email
UK Social Investment Forum provides a free online service about ethical investment, see their web site
UK Panel on Sustainable Development advises the UK Government on Sustainable Development, chaired by Sir Crispin Tickell, former UK Ambassador to the UN, now Warden Green College Centre, Oxford, email:
UK Round Table on Sustainable Development was established in London in 1995. It aims to encourage discussion on major sustainable development issues and to build consensus between people who have different perspectives and different responsibilities. It organises meetings, collects views and evidence and publishes reports. Contact by email:
UNED UK's Environment and Health Programme. A list server has now been set up to facilitate the easy distribution of conference documents and create a network for organisations working in environment and health. See their web site to learn how to sign on.
UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme provides international leadership - see their web site.
United Nations Population Information Network (Popin). Popin's objectives are to identify, establish, strengthen and coordinate population information activities at international, regional and national levels; to facilitate and enhance the availability of population information in collaboration with the regional commissions, the specialized agencies and the NGO population community; and to provide a forum for the exchange of experiences among developed and developing countries on population information issues. See their web site at:
Who's Who in the Environment - UK is available on disc from The Environment Council and lists about 1,000 environmental organisations in the UK.
Women's Environment Network (WEN) based in London, UK, can be contacted by email:, they are investigating a web site.
Woodland Trust (0207 549127) has responsibility for 840 woods covering 6,900 hectares and all have been passed as well managed by the Forest Stewardship Council - see story in Green Futures No 12, p 10. See also the Woodland Trust web site:
World Business Council
for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), based in Switzerland and can be
contacted by email They have devised a
challenging set of multiple choice questions on sustainable development that can be found
on their web site at
World Conservation Union - see IUCN.
World Development Movement was launched in 1969 to campaign in support of the world's poor. Contact by email or visit their web site, where they describe their campaigns and a long list of publications.
World Resources Institute (WRI), based in USA, see their web site.
Worldwatch Institute are the publishers of the world famous State of the World and Vital Signs books that are published annually. The Institute is dedicated to fostering the evolution of an environmentally sustainable society and believes that information is a powerful tool for social change - see their web site.
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is the largest conservation pressure group. See their international web site or the WWF-UK web site.
Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy in the North-Rhine/Westphalian Science
Centre, Germany is one of the world's leading institutions addressing the
question of resource efficiency, see their web site at
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Last updated 25 November 1999